Thursday, August 27, 2009

Awful feeling

Since yesterday i have found out Timmy has already two teeth coming out....i always have strange feelings while breastfeeding him XD.....yeah, i have the worries of every breastfeeding moms have. I'm afraid Timmy will bite me. :-( Well, he did bite me sometimes now....and hurts!!! I shouted and told him that don't bite mommy again...but he did it again and again!!! I don't know what to do...seems he does not understand what he has done to me. He just looked at me with curious big eyes and then turned his head away. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww..........

I thought telling him not to do that again will stop him, isn't it suggested us to do??

What can i do now??? I definitely do not want to stop breastfeeding because of this. Is there any methods to avoid this?

Having awful feeling while breastfeeding is really funny. He seems enjoying the moments but then i am worrying. =_= But luckily he won't bite me when he is hungry. He does it only when he is full and begin to be playful ;-) Then i will have the shocking pain.



  1. Hi there.. wat can I say? I only breastfed my Ethan up to four month and he was toothless and he did not bite then. So sorry I have no idea what to stop the biting. My Ethan bites me time to time.. :)

  2. don't know about breast feeding.......but with a baby there's something new every moment...... cutest with single tooth....

    yea they start biting too....i like to give them my finger to bite

    woo hoo.......\,,,/


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