Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We are moving back....Pls stay with us!!!!!

Dear friends,

Today, we are going back to KL where the place my wife studies. We will be moving in a new apartment this afternoon and probably there is no internet broadband available. One week later, my mom and brother will visit Malaysia for around 1 week.

Therefore, we might not able to online for around 2 weeks, sooooo.......pls don't leave us and continue visitting our blog, we promise to drop back when we are back or when we can access to the internet. We thank you here in advance. :-)

The rewards for top 5 droppers in May will get 100EC from us.

We will be back soon......

Monday, May 11, 2009

Music Monday: Miley Cyrus - The Climb

This is the first time i listen to this song and i like it!

Hope you enjoy the song as well. :-)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

How to teach babies reading and mathematics (part 3)

One of the most prominent teachers of the Flashcard system for babies is Glenn Doman. He invented the system in the 1950s and teaches it the parents in a weekly course in his Institute.

He also wrote books about how to teach your baby reading and how you baby can learn mathematics and calculation. He sells also his own Flashcards for different areas of life called encyclopedic knowledge.

We made yesterday the first video of Tim and how we teach him to learn the "numbers" with the black and white math dot flashcards. We will upload the video during the day into this post.

There you will see that it calms him down because at the moment when we took the video he just started crying.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Entrecard: Lists of NO PAID AD members

Say No To Paid Ads at Entrecard

Many of the Entrecard members have problems with the new paid system. Sometimes it's difficult to find out immediately if someone accept paid ads on their Entrecard widget or not.

There is one way how you can see if paid ads are accepted:
  1. Put your mouse over the ad and then the link will appear on the bottom left side of your Internet browser.

  2. The important part of this link is the last word. If it is "paid", it means a paid ad shows up at the moment. If it is "Entrecard", it means the Entrecard paid ad shows up now.

  3. If "Entrecard" shows up, you have to verify if it's a pure Entrecard paid blog or not. Therefore refresh the page with the "F5"-key. If you can see then a different ad, it will be a PAID AD-Entrecard.
  4. In this case you don't get 100% exposure for your EC-paid money!
  5. Therefore some members have posted lists where you can find NO PAID AD-Members for dropping your cards and for advertising with 100% airtime

Here are some of the other Entrecard members who made NO PAID AD Lists

    Inspire Political Discourse NO PAID AD List - Sorted by categories
    For signing up to this list, follow this link

    Donnas World: Entrecard Bloggers NOT accepting paid ads

    Buy-Tees.Net: Say NO to Entrecard Paid Ads
    There you can get the same button which i show above my Entrecard or in this post! Blogs that don't accept Paid Entrecard-ad

    MamaFlo's Place also offers a No Paid Ads List which is growing daily :-)

    Nearly at the bottom of the page LadyBanana presents her list of NO Entrecard PAID Ad-Members. Just contact her (at the Entrecard, Mail-Picture) and she will add your blog, too!

    These are my member lists which i found in the last weeks.
    Feel free to comment if you know other member lists as well or if you have one on your website which isn't mentioned here!

How to teach babies reading and math (Part 2)

Black and White Math Dot Flashcard - Number 6
We show our baby boy Tim now already since four weeks the DIY (Do It Yourself) Black and White Dot-Flashcards which show the numbers as dots. In this time he enjoyed watching the Flashcards each day more and more.

Since the weekend we recognized that we can calm down him when he is crying. We just have to show him one of the Black and White Dot Flashcards and he will start looking at them. Usually it is followed by a smile from him. That's one of the signs that he i willing to learn.

We try to make a short video the next time about the way we teach him to recognize the shapes. And you will see how he will learn the first steps to learn math.

I guess this will be in the next hours, so that we can publish the video or some pictures tomorrow.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Music Monday: Amy Pearson - Lost without your love

This is Amy Pearson who sings the title song "Lost without your love" for a fantastic love story movie - "Closing the Ring". We watched the movie last year and can recommend it, luckily we found her soundtrack on Youtube.

Enjoy Amy Pearson - Lost without your love and the combined movie trailer Closing the Ring!

How to teach your baby reading and math (part 1)

Do you know that you can teach newborn baby everything from birth on?

Do you know that some babies can read and make maths calculations already with 12 months? No?
We will show you how these kids have learned these skills within their first year of life!

Do you know that your baby can only see high-contrast colours?

According to the studies, the visual system is the least mature system at birth, therefore the newborn baby is not able to perceive the bright colours. Hence, black and white colours can easily attract baby and this will enhance the growth of the vision system.

Studies show that high contrast graphics can
  • help increase concentration skills
  • stimulate the creation of synapses (brain cell connections)
  • increase an infant's attention span
  • calm a baby (when she is bored)
  • enhance curiosity
It is believed that showing black and white flashcards and toys to the newborn baby from birth on, the baby can response to mother's smiles faster as it stimulates the vision system. Black and white colours are effective to baby from birth to six months.

Few days before, we bought Timmy a set of black and white flash cards which contains 60 cards and double sided with 120 images. Its size is 31.4cm X 23.3cm, baby prefers to see big images or letters. So far, Timmy shows his interests on the flash cards. We showed him just now during the nappies time, he even smiled at the images! :-) We think this is also a bonding time together with Timmy, we enjoy these precious moments!

Why did we choose black and white flashcards?

Black and White Math Dot Flashcard - Number 6When Timmy was about 7-week-old, we DIY (Do It Yourself) the black math dots cards from number 1 to 7. We showed Timmy faithfully every day, we found that Timmy was able to focus on the flash cards. One week later, he started to smile at us and respond to us every day until now. Before this, we only could get the smile from Timmy while he was falling asleep. But now we can "chit-chat" with Timmy every day and of course he shows us his angel smiles most of time! :-)

There are many websites available for parents to print out the flash cards, you can DIY! If you are interested, you might want to check out this website Brillkids, you can even join their forum to share your views and experiences.

Bottle feeding and stored breast milk

In the last days we could store more and more of the breast milk. In some of the forums we read that other moms store the milk not only in the fridge (usually for 24 to 48 hours, afterwards you should throw away the milk) but also in the freezer(up to 3 months).

Some moms said after they thawed the milk from the freezer that the babies didn't like the taste of this stored frozen milk anymore.

At the moment we have difficulties to give Timmy the stored breast milk which was longer than 20 hours in the fridge. When we bottle feed him with this milk, he just drinks 50 ml and afterwards he starts crying. Then it takes time until he drinks again 10 ml and so on.

Usually he drinks over 100 ml for each bottle feeding session.

Which difficulties did you have with breast/bottle feeding or stored breast milk?
What can i do now?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

EntreCard: Top Dropper April 2009

Thank you to all members of EntreCard who visited our Baby-Blog in April 2009.

As we haven't been active the whole month of April 2009 we just publish the actual Top Dropper list with the links to the members who clicked the most often. We give you some link love!

Hope we can return the favor to you in May and visit you and us again regularly!

EntreCard TOP DROPPER in April 2009

Cornymans Money-Blog, everything about financial independence
All you want to know about being financial independent... Saving, investing, earning money worldwide opportunities for your personal finances!

Heathen Homeschoolers
Heathen Homeschoolers is a blog written by a mom who educates her children from a secular point of view. Heathen Mom blogs about education resources, homeschooling topics, family adventures and more.

Search Engine Panel
Discussions on search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM). Tips, help, and news on high organic ranking, website optimization, and search marketing.

Sited and Blogged
Contributors add fresh blog posts about a variety of topics

Life, In My Own Backyard
My personal diary and musings

I Love-Hate America
An immigrant's love-hate relationship with all things American. Views and comments on the American way of life as seen through the eyes of a foreigner.

Art By Paul Baines
Emerging UK graffiti star Paul Baines. Limited edition prints available up to 44" x 55". Check out the art rant blog. Not accepting paid ads.

Ready 2 Get Fit
Journey through life on my way to fitness. Through Healthy choices in Recipes and Types of Exercise.

Biz Boink
Bloggers. Entrepreneurs. Freelancers. Publishers.

Lohman Trading

Focus is on Rubber Stamping, Handmade, Green, ECO, Scrapbooking, Crafts, Etsy, ArtFire, and eBay.

Join mommy blogger Julie Maloney in her quest to remain cool in the eyes of her children. Talk politics, football, video games and read the latest reviews. It's just one mom's perspective on life.

J. Leigh Designz
A combination of my personal life, product reviews, and giveaways. I hope you can stop by and stick around for a bit. Leave a comment and let me know! :)

I am Harriet
I am inspired by people who make a difference in the world or in the lives of others because it is the right thing to do.

Small Town Mommy
Small Town Mommy chronicles my day-to-day life. I share my thoughts with my readers, hopefully make someone laugh, and ask for advice. Stop by and get to know me and my family and friends, here in our small town.

Gems by Jerri
This is my blog about my crafting and my online shops on Etsy and Art Fire. I also include feature articles on other artist. This blog is still evovling and will hopefully continue to do so always.

Traveling Suitcase
Places to explore, things to see and do while traveling and on vacation.

Conversations with Moms
I am a mom of two boys, a wife and full time career woman. I try to balance my work and home life while trying to fit in some time to be a wife. This blog is a means to try to entertain, educate (tips and reviews) and network.

A site resource for inspiration, people empowerment, managing personal finances and investment.

I’ll make this one as a general blog which will contain almost every good thing in life, about life, businesses, health, travel, parenting, baby, tips for new bloggers, and many other good topics.

Politics 2000
A blog about politics for people who want to know what's happening but who may not be able to spend all day watching C-SPAN or trying to decipher the spin of other outlets.

Pregnancy and Cancer
My blog documents my experience of discovering I was pregnant, had cancer, going through chemo, delivery, radiation, remission and beyond.

Manga Worm
This blog was solely created to provide a volume per volume japanese manga reviews.
Since the reviews are written by manga fans (us), originality is assured in every post.

Reality TV Soup
Serving up the hottest Reality TV gossip, updates and spoilers.

Otak 3 Pagi Experiment
bem69's art, design, illustrations and photography blog where he posts new creative works he makes. Works includes digital painting and vector illustrations.

Hamster is the nickname of my two-year-old, and these are his antics.

Drop by and stay active in May!
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